Celebrating 19 Years

Jean-Michel Guenard, Printemps en Lorraine. oil on canvas
View the collection of Expression Gallery's newest French artist: Jean-Michel Guenard

on our Contemporary Artists Page.

From northeastern France Jean-Michel has been an artist all his life- drawing and painting

from a young age. For many year he balanced having a professional career while selling his

art. Eventually he opened his own lumber business which became his main focus for a time:

halting his artistic output.

Now retired in 2024 Jean-Michel dedicates all his time to creating his

little corners of paradise as he lovingly refers to his paintings. Guenard's paintings create

an atmosphere of simple happiness with idyllic scenes, and bright colors.
 Phone: (630)-986-9848    10 E. First St. Hinsdale, IL    © Expression Gallery of Fine Art